The Science Fiction Review Games Destiny 2 “The Story So Far” on Humble Bundle

Destiny 2 “The Story So Far” on Humble Bundle

Humble Bundle has had all of Destiny 2 content minus the dungeon key for Witch Queen for $40.

I started playing in 2019 when Shadowkeep was released and the platform moved from Blizzard to Steam. There’s a ton to do for less than the cost of an AAA game title. I suggest adjusting your donation to put as much as you can to the Bungie Foundation. Just expand the little box “Adjust Donation” and move the slider all the way to the right. There are also tiers at $8, $12, and $20. The main jump to $40 includes two dungeons in Lightfall and 4 seasons of content. That content will go away when Final Shape is released in June, but you have plenty of time to run through the story content and collect a lot of loot and resources. It is definitely worth $20 extra, as each season is normally $15 by itself. For example a typical expansion is $99 which includes 4 seasons, 2 dungeons, and 2 raids.

If you’re not sure if Destiny 2 is for you, there’s a Free-to-Play (F2P) option, but the experience is severely limited. You really can’t do much as a F2P player.

Here are a few links to get you started on your Destiny 2 journey if you want to dig in. – Unofficial Reddit with lots of information – Destiny Item Manager – Indisputably the best external game resource. You’ll spend a lot of time managing your guardian’s inventory and loadouts here. – A much better way to optimize loadouts. Lets you copy loadout queries over to Destiny Item Manager (DIM). – Another neat website to track your guardian’s progress

Destiny 2 Look for Group (LFG) – much more options here than the relatively new in-game “Fireteam Finder”

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