Femtrooper and more

I just recently stumbled upon an interesting site of a girl that loves to make costumes and dress up in them. Quite a few of them are from Sci-Fi, such as The Matrix and my favorite, Star Wars. The Femtrooper costume is probably the geekiest of them all. The stereotypical male costume of the Stormtrooper is ingeniously modified to fit a woman. Of course I don’t know how exposing your stomach would hold up in a firefight against rebels, but it looks good! I wonder what Star Wars would have been like had there been Femtroopers? We might never know except in fan films. There are lots of other pictures on the SithVixen site, check them out.

5 thoughts on “Femtrooper and more”

  1. Check out the SithVixen site link. I’m pretty sure she made a custom one just for herself. I know there was a company in the UK making regular Stormtrooper gear, but a while back they were sued by Lucasarts 🙁

    I don’t think there is any problem making one for yourself, but selling them can get you into trouble (grumble)

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