Welcome to Stettin's X-Force Weapons - Open for business from 7-18-03 to 12-20-05
Star Wars Galaxies - Chilastra Server; Corellia, South of Coronet 275 -5959
Stettin Palver - Master Weaponsmith, Master Pistoleer
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Custom Orders Enhancements Weapon Builder Special Moves
Pricing and Stats Enhancer + Slice Calc Scythe/Hack Builder

***NOTE*** SOE published the New Game Enhancements for Star Wars Galaxies, aslo known as the NGE on 11-15-05. This comes after the CURB or CU for short was published on 4-27-05 and never lived up to expectations. Information listed on this site is current up to but NOT including the NGE. Pre-CU (also known as PreCU) information has been compiled and located in the lower menu bar. Read my update for more information on my Pre-CU pages.

X-Force Weapons Scythe Builder & Slice Calculator
CUBE calculation (Recommended)!
Yellow Cubes/Agents are usually better than looted cores, unless cores are over 55 Max Damage

Cube Minimum Damage
Cube Maximum Damage
Cube HAM
Solidifying Agent Maximum Damage
Is this a Scythe or Executioner's Hack?
Slice % Desired

CORE calculation only recommended if cores are over 55 Max Damage

Core Speed
Core Mininum Damage
Core Maximum Damage
Core Wound % Mod
Core Ideal Range Mod
Core Heath Cost
Core Action Cost
Core Mind Cost
Is this a Scythe or Executioner's Hack?
Slice % Desired